What is netBAT?
netBAT is an apps-based, interactive user experience that gets site visitors more engaged with celebrity-related images & text.
Introduced in August, netBAT already reaches 44 million+ unique visitors per month across premium news, lifestyle, & sports websites like NYDailyNews.com and Rotowire.com. netBAT has also been featured in AdAge and The WSJ's All Things Digital. Visit netBAT.com to learn more about netBAT.
Why publishers love netBAT:
1. It is a new, content-friendly revenue stream
2. Apps keep users on websites longer
3. All netBAT apps are free for the website and the visitor
4. netBAT takes just a few minutes to implement – as easy as AdSense™
How does it work?
1.Images: The netBAT app tray overlays on top of celebrity-related images and website visitors can interact with apps (Twitter™, YouTube™, iTunes™ and more) customized to the content.
2.Text: Celebrity-related text is underlined and a netBAT icon is shown. Once clicked, the netBAT app tray appears as an overlay & visitors can interact with apps, that are customized to the content.
3. netBAT includes advertising inventory that websites earn a percentage of each time the netBAT app tray appears.n