Friday, April 15, 2011's Top Ten Weekly Stories for 4/15/11

2010 A Banner Year For Online Ads, But Display Pricing Still Weak (Adweek)
Figures also reveal some cracks in the Internet's growing strength as an ad medium, and brand advertising still lags behind direct response advertising on the Web.
How Useful Is Personalized Search? (MIT's Technology Review)
Research suggests that Google's personalized results may not be much better than the ordinary kind.
24% Of Consumers Turned Off After Two Negative Online Reviews (BizReport)
Price comparison may well be the most popular research activity online during the purchase process, but the online opinions and experiences of other consumers play a vital role, too.
Ad Spending To Rise (
ZenithOptimedia said it expects the largest ad spending increases in the U.S. to flow to the Internet.
StumbleUpon Hits 1 Billion Stumbles Per Month (Mashable)
That 1 million stumbles-per-month statistic represents explosive growth, especially when you consider that since just a month ago, that number has grown by 200 million.
Guess Who Google's Biggest Advertiser Is (Business Insider)
Five takeaways from a chart of Google's top 10 search advertisers in Q4 2010.
Research: 'Super Demographic' For Online Audio (Radio Ink)
Ad response rates were 3.5 times higher when Internet radio was added to a broadcast radio campaign, and twice as high when Internet radio was added to an online campaign.
Study Measures Ad Industry's Impact On State Economies (
Both big and small states benefit from the advertising industry, according to a study commissioned by the Advertising Coalition.
More Magazines Try iPad (
Bloomberg Businessweek is selling subscriptions to an iPad version of its magazine for $2.99 a monthly, joining Elle and Maxim among a small but growing number of magazines willing to sign on despite industry-wide concerns about Apple's reluctance to share customer data.
Bloggers Have More Influence on Purchases Than Celebrities, Study Says (
According to the BlogHer 2011 Social Media Matters Study, nearly twice as many female American adults are motivated to consider products promoted by or with a blogger they know than they are by promotions featuring a celebrity.
Aggregated by

Posted via email from The Social Media Marketing Report

1 comment:

  1. Those are some awesome links. I appreciate all of them but my favourite is the one regarding the influence of the guest bloggers on purchases.


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