Friday, January 18, 2013

Mapquest vs Google Maps

I got the following email in today from Mapquest who I use to use exclusively before starting to use Google Maps more and more over the past say 2 years or so. I haven't kept up with their service and am pleased to see they're continuing to innovate the online mapping technology and services:

2012 and a peek into 2013
We had a big year at MapQuest and we wanted to thank you for being a part of it! Here's just a quick run down of the 2012 highlights:
2012 and a peek into 2013
MapQuest Discover
In the fall we debuted MapQuest Discover, a photo-rich travel board where you can plan your next adventure, share photos of places and cities you've been, get inspired by great trip guides from our MapQuest travel writers, or even learn about new places to visit from other people like you.More
MapQuest Local
MapQuest Vibe expanded into MapQuest Local. Now you can get insider info like travel guides, reviews & ratings, best restaurants, your friend's activity, and more for hundreds of cities and all 50 states. More
Mobile Apps
We've been working hard on our free iPhone and Android apps, so that cheap gas and voice-guided directions that beat traffic are only a tap away.More
2012 and a peek into 2013
2012 and a peek into 2013
The year saw changes to the site that allow you to hide the steps out of your neighborhood, find the cheapest gas and easily view the best places in any neighborhood. More
MapQuest API
For the developers out there, we released our iOS and Android Map APIs, which brings flexible routing, accurate geocoding, and beautiful maps to your own mobile apps. We also refreshed the styling on our Open Map Tiles, updated our Open JavaScript API, and released our Open Geocoding API. More
MapQuest Culture
From community gardens to clothing drives, picnics to holiday parties, we made it a point to be active in the community again this year. And with lots of exciting new projects in the pipeline, we're continually looking for talented folks to join us.
Big Plans for 2013
In 2013, you'll see us continue to improve what you've come to love about MapQuest, including exciting new products that move us further along in our vision for the future: to inspire your travel time, family time, free time, anytime; wherever the map meets your life.
Every month, 36+ MILLION* of you shared the journey with us.
Looking forward to another great year with you!
Your friends at:

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1 comment:

  1. Unfortunatly, can try this in France...

    Had to take a proxy to test it and wow...

    Will try to make a french app for android.

    Thanks for sharing !


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