Thursday, May 3, 2012 Closing it's Doors!

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Image via CrunchBase
Got this in from the owner of today. Is this a sign of the beginning of the end of daily deal sites?
Yeah, unfortunately we couldn't make a go of it. We didn't achieve the ambitious goals we set for ourselves when we launched only 1 year ago. So, with regret, this news of our departure from the realm of Daily Deals. This may be a shocker to some of you and we want you to know that we're really sorry we failed to achieve your expectations. It's Spring and it feels like the right time for us to do some Spring cleaning. We're evaluating all of the projects we're working on, (and we’ve got tons, believe me), and unfortunately we had to make the painful decision of shutting down as a Daily Deal service. We're selling, and shutting down other sites as well. There's no point in going on with something just because you've been doing it for a certain amount of time. In a startup, as you well know, everything takes up your precious resources. And people's time and effort is something we can't afford to waste. We believe this is the right time to pull the plug. New and fresh ideas need room to grow and for us that means clearing out some of the old ideas which never took off. We wanna thank you, one of our 20,000 loyal subscribers for sticking with us for all this time. We're really sorry we couldn't make it work for you. But hey, life goes on. Best of luck in your endeavors, we shut our doors knowing that we did all we could to help you grow your online business, which was our main goal for launching as a Daily Deal site. To Your Continued Success! P.S. Reach out to me at with comments, concerns, just to say "Sorry, it was good while it lasted," or to share your stories about the awesome Deals you got on
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